So, if the range is empty, both of the first two buttons to the same. The second button with the check/sign symbol overwrites the entire ranges with pairs. The first button (on the right) with the plus sign allows you to add all pairs to current range. The arrow left to 'Pair' allows you to view more detailed hand strengths like Top Pair, 2nd Top Pair, and so on. Functions of one selector lineĮach line in the selectors view has four icons attached to it: The range manipulation window does NOT block input to the main window, so you can change the board without closing the window. The selector outputs are based on the board that is chosen in the main window, so make sure to set it properly. We assume in the following that we have selected these cards in the main window: Almost everything in PokerRanger is dockable and resizable. Note that, if you need more space, you can increase the area of this widget by clicking on the grey line just below 'Suit Selection'/'Selectors' and moving the mouse down. You click on the 'Selectors' tab to activate it. Per default, this widget is in the hand manipulation window on the top left and tabbed with 'Suit Selection'. And now, all of this is possible with only one click! PokerRanger's hand strength selectors allow you to add all hands with pair, twopair, trips/set, straight, flush value or any draw like gutshot draw, open-ended straight draw (OESD), flushdraw, and many more.